About us

pionier press is an independent micropublishing house based in Stockholm, Sweden. It was founded in 1991 by graphic designer Arina Stoenescu and began as a project meant to explore the book as a container for art and letters. Over the years, Arina’s long-time interest in bilingualism has emerged as the main publication focus. Today, pionier press mainly publishes bilingual children’s books, but also artist’s books and books on experimental typography. A special interest is dedicated to Romanian themes and Romanian contemporary history.

It all starts with the children
Many children today grow up in a multilingual environment. In a world that seems to grow both bigger and smaller, knowledge of multiple languages – and the cultural perspectives that they inherently carry – is not only a helpful navigation tool, but a way to further cooperation and understanding. Through the focus on bilingual children’s books, pionier press seeks to create a global reading platform for today's global readers.

Together, we build books and publish bridges
Collaborations are at the heart of pionier press. Without the diligent work of a number of talented colleagues, this publishing house wouldn’t exist. Every project is the result of a combination of skilled creators bringing their experiences and perspectives; therefore, every project is unique. pionier press will also happily collaborate with other publishing houses in order to introduce interesting projects to a wider audience. This has been done with two of pionier press's books, which led to joint publications together with Labyrint Press and the Romanian Cultural Institute.


Do you have an exciting idea that you think is a good fit for our profile? pionier press is always looking for new colleagues and collaborations, so don’t hesitate to reach out! You will receive a reply as soon as possible.